
Before the Swim at swim paws.

A note to all customers. First and foremost As we are aiming to offer the full hydrotherapy. at the moment we can not and do not offer it. We are in the process of working towards the awards. our staff are completing a very in depth qualification, One far more in depth than other places offering hydrotherapy. This is all part of our mission to be the best.

Where we start.

Your starting point is to fill in a questionnaire to help us get a better understanding of your pet. This allows us to ensure everything we do is totally beneficial to your pets needs and is 100% safe.

Then we will bathe your pet, this is to remove any dirt and loose hair to ensure the longevity of the pool and keep the water clean as possible for all our little swimmers. This also climatises your pets muscles in preparation for the swim

Swim for Fun, with the Dog Swim Experts

After this our a Swim Paws dog swimming expert, member of staff will assist your pet into the water and carry out the agreed programme based on the information you have given us. If its just a fun swim we have plenty of toys and games to play. Not only is this fun for them but a really good way of giving them a great work-out that is low impact.

Bailey The Shark at Swim Paws Hydrotherapy

Swim For Rehabilitation

please note that while our team leader in undergoing her course and is the most in-depth of its kind. this is not yet complete. As we aim to be the very best and the only dedicated Dog swim experts in the area, We have taken on a vast investment in training in only the highest level of qualifications. including first aid, Pool management and maintenance, Practice Management, Treadmill and animal care.

Swim Paws hydrotherapy referrals may require slightly different times in the water. this is based on the requirements and level of injury of your pet.

The rehabilitation of injured, immobile, stiff muscles and joints is carried out without placing your dog under any stress or strain.

Boosts energy levels a potent combination of excitement, novelty, and carefully monitored exercises means that your dog starts feeling like a bouncy puppy again.

Increasing fitness levels, The pool increases resistance training strengthening his/her body muscle and ensuring that he/she avoids future injuries.

Boost’s your pooch’s immune system.

Our warm water pool reduces stress and therefore encourages health and healing.

Relieves pain by reducing muscle tension, very similar to having a massage.

Improves circulation and swelling around the injured area and enhances healing.

for more information on Swim Paws hydrotherapy visit a renowned and trusted pharmaceutical company YuMove one of our suppliers.

After the Swim

The sanitiser in the pool with be present on your pets hair, so we give them a top notch wash and shampoo to get them clean and healthy.

We only use sensitive shampoos, We even have doggy perfume that is also tested and approved. All of which are available from shop paws at our centre.

bath time at Swim Paws Hydrotherapy

Overall benefits of Swim Paws hydrotherapy:

  • Relief from pain, swelling, and stiffness
  • Increased sensory perception
  • Relaxes muscle tension and spasms
  • Less concussion on the joints
  • Increases range of motion
  • Increase and maintains muscle strength
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Improves mobility
  • Mental wellbeing (releases endorphins) levels

There are various therapeutic properties of water that work to allow canine Swim Paws hydrotherapy to be as beneficial as it is. Understanding these properties allows for the therapist to appropriately and effectively tailor the session to the needs of the patient for maximum benefit.

The main water properties and their effects include:

  • Buoyancy → Creates a weightless environment that alleviates pressure on joints and supports weak muscles
  • Hydrostatic pressure → Creates pressure against the body to decrease pain and swelling
  • Resistance → This can be beneficial for building muscle and increasing cardiovascular fitness
  • Temperature → Warm water allows an increase in elasticity of tissues, circulation, and relaxation which therefore contributes to pain relief and improving movement

Benefits of the hydrotherapy pool

The hydrotherapy pool acts as a completely non-weight bearing exercise for your dog. Due to this property, this allows for range of motion to be performed in a comfortable and controlled environment, with no concussive forces going through the limb – which usually occurs on land-based exercise and in the underwater treadmill to a certain extent.

This makes the hydrotherapy pool an extremely useful tool in orthopaedic conditions (such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and osteoarthritis). The buoyancy of the water creates a completely weightless environment that alleviates pressure on the joints to allow for optimum function and strength to be restored. Compared to land-based exercise, the hydrotherapy pool can be utilised to ensure full range of motion is achieved in a comfortable and controlled manner.

When implemented into a rehabilitation programme, the hydrotherapy pool is often chosen to improve and encourage active range of motion, providing an environment that is completely weightless to allow for comfortable movement whilst also targeting cardiovascular fitness.

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